A new training video, filmed by the National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs of Great Britain (NFYFC), aims to highlight the role of crop protection in food production and demonstrate the career opportunities available in agronomy.
The film, the brainchild of the NFYFC Agriculture and Rural Steering Group (AGRI), features an interview with award-winning agronomist Sean Sparling, chairman of the Independent Crops Advisers Association (AICC).
In a conversation with fellow agronomist and vice chairman of NGRYFC AGRI George Baxter of the Cambridgeshire Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs (FYFC), Sparling explained the importance of crop protection in the food chain: “What we are trying to do is ensure that the food we produce at the end of the process was safe for people, and there were many. ”A video on 30,000 plant pests and 10,000 insect pests shows how agronomists follow an integrated approach to pest control.
Filmed in Lincolnshire and supported by the Plant Protection Association, this video demonstrates NFYFC's partnerships with industry bodies and its commitment to helping build a career in agriculture.
This film is a continuation of a Defra-funded project with LEAF Education to develop a lesson called Future Agriculture, which is available to both children and high school students.