In the middle of spring of the current year, a soybean sowing campaign started in the Amur Region. However, heavy rainfall, which nearly thwarted the plan of local farmers, became a significant obstacle in the sowing process.
Cyclones covered the region with waves, practically giving farmers no hope of a successful campaign. Both April and May 2019 were rainy, and during this period a paranormal amount of precipitation fell on the region.
As soon as the weather returned to normal, the farmers made an attempt to catch up and triple the speed of sowing. When the first shoots appeared, it began to rain again in the region. It came to such that precipitation made it difficult to treat soybean fields with herbicidal agents. And then specially equipped small aircraft flew to the aid of the peasants.
Now we can safely say that abundant watering had a favorable effect on the harvest of the Amur Region. And we are talking not only about soy, but also about wheat, corn and fodder crops.
Today, a generous harvest of five hundred thousand hectares is expected in the region. It will not be superfluous to note that in general this year over three million hectares were sown on the territory of the Russian Federation.